We rely on the support of volunteers to help make our mission possible.

PAPA has many volunteer opportunities. PAPA is seeking artists, poets, and writers who have a desire to use their skills and talents to recreate the modern publication “Preserving A Picturesque America” serial.

If you are a history buff and love research, we need you! Diving into the history of these natural and historic places is important in helping us understand their significance then and now.

If you love outdoor adventure and would like to help others enjoy the journey of the adventure artists and writers, we need you! We want to provide opportunities for individuals to visit designated sites and see them from the perspective of the early adventure artists.

We need volunteers who can donate their time and talents based on project needs. This is truly an exciting project – one that can educate and hopefully inspire others to protect our picturesque landscape for generations to come.

Become a Volunteer

Interest (Check all that apply.)

6 + 1 =


Historical Research



Strategic Partnerships



Be a contributing artist or writer – help bring awareness to a special place you want to see protected.  We love to collaborate with artists and writers in areas where we travel to research and use their voices to promote local preservation and conservation efforts where they live.