I had the honor of spending time with Lee Stetson, the actor who has portrayed a hero to so many, John Muir. He was in town performing The Tramp & The Roughrider. A brilliant interpretation of the camping trip Muir had with President Roosevelt had that, by Muir’s influence led to the early preservation of our natural wild places. I have imagined what that meeting and conversation must have been like so often in my mind, it was wonderful to see it brought to life. Do to obvious time line issues I can not take a hike with Muir himself, but Lee Stetson portrays the icon with such gentle integrity that it is hard not believe you are in his presence. Our conversation and his interest in our project strengthened my resolve to continue beyond measure.

Don’t miss an opportunity to see him perform one more time tonight at ACT theater. It is more than entertaining, it is a fundraiser for Mountain True, a newly formed group composed of three different long-standing conservation groups. They are poised to do good work through the combined efforts here in Western NC.
