We regret that the Spring Artist Retreat will be heavily modified due to the COVID 19 pandemic. We want our supporters and community to be safe and stay healthy during this difficult time. We are supporting social distancing and will maintain the guidelines for the well-being of us all. We have created 2 ways to still get to the locations and maintain responsible measures. Being in nature is far safer than indoor gathering places and it is easy to maintain our distance.

You can still make progress on the preserving through art goals by:

1. Use the PAPA vantage point field guide and go on your own. These are just natural places with no crowds. PAPA members have access to this comprehensive guide with photos and maps. If you are a member and do not have a copy of the guide, contact Kat Bauer 

2. Reserve a time to be guided to the locations Friday 27th or Saturday 28th. Very limited spaces, we must maintain the under 10 rule!
Contact Scott , he will be available to guide artists to the vantage point sites in the Hot Springs area. Cell reception is spotty at best in Hot Springs, hence the reason for scheduling meeting times before Friday and Saturday.

Important note: a few important spots (Lover’s Leap and Paint Rock) will soon be hidden once again behind the lush green of the trees and plants. So this is the ideal time to paint these beautiful places using option 1 or 2. If using option 1, please print the guide and bring it with you. Again bad cell reception there.

Getting out in nature is a healthy way to be productive. We are looking forward to seeing what you create!

Thank you for your understanding,
The Preserving A Picturesque America Team