Edward Morris

Website: edwardmorrisart.com
Medium: oil

Edward Morris is an artist whose style is rooted in Impressionism leaning towards realism. Over the past several years, his work has appeared:

-ArtScape 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Arts Council of Henderson County
-AAPL 88th Grand National Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC
-Featured in James Gurney’s Art Blog about sketching
-Painting published in “International Artists Magazine” in an article about creating glow in painting

He is a member of the Oil Painters of America, American Impressionist Society, Arts Council of Henderson County, Asheville Urban Landscape Painters, North Carolina Plein Air Painters and a signature member of the Western North Carolina Plein Air Painters.

I strive for the selective use of values, colors and strategic accents that can delight and stimulate the viewer so a scene may appear to be truer to the spirit of the subject and seem to be more real than a purely photographic reproduction.  I humbly try to have my paintings be alive with tactile brushwork and atmospheric lighting that seems to breathe.”